Sunday, March 16, 2008

Misconceptions about the Montessori Method

1. Montessori is too structured. It doesn't allow for the child's freedom and creativity.
2. The Montessori Method isn't structured enough for my child.
3. Montessori lets kids do whatever they want.
4. Maria Montessori was against fantasy; she didn't believe in letting kids be creative.
5. Montessori doesn't allow the children to play; they spend all their time working.
6. Montessori discourages children from working together.
7. Montessori pushes academics on children before they are really ready.
8. Maria Montessori was an occultist and the Montessori method is based on evil teachings.
9. Children in early Montessori schools were taught to sweep and clean as training for becoming servant girls when they got older.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Is there any 'evidence' to those claims? What is the reason for claiming this? And what is the information/study that supports Montessori Education?

